Wednesday, May 13, 2020

6 Card Quarantine Kit - 13th May 2020

Card Kits – Friday the 13th

Well here is another week, how are you all going? Seems like the restrictions may be slowly lifting very soon.  I bet you are all keen to start socialising sooner rather then later.

Card one – Here’s a little message for you
I inked up the brick background using two different browns.  Just lightly swept over the top to give the dirty/distressed look. Then stick it down. (there is a tiny boarder around the edge) then when sticking down the brown boardered piece, its actually the same size as the card base. And last of all the glitter strip. (peel off the clear backing as its already sticky).
Using pop dots, pop up the typewriter and the pointing hand, position on to the card.

Card two – wishing you a happy everything
Stick down the stamped orange stamped card. Working your way up stick down the grey triangle piece. Before sticking the cream piece on we will assemble that.
stick down the orange small stamped rectangle, then wrap the yarn around using tape on the back to hold it down as you go. (I did slide the orange piece after if you do forget to do it first)
I pop dotted the stamped quote onto the grey and then pop dotted again to pop onto the card. Makes it pop out nicely.
The small piece of orange I made little ribbon ends, cut in almost half and slide up under the quote.
scatter the bling where you like 😊

Card three – Pirate Birthday

Stick down the stripy piece first. Then with the green spotty, rip off one of the sides and stick down the bottom to overlap the stripy piece. 
Colour in the pirate picture. I used pencil to give a shady/sandy look. Colour in heavier where there would be a shadow. Stick this piece down onto the green square big enough, and stick directly onto the card base. 
Pop on the birthday quote onto the smaller square (ink around the edges if you like too) and using pop dots pop it up onto the card to one side. 
Nice and easy one for you.

Card four – Thinking of you
Start with the base of your card.  Stick down the brown flowered piece down the bottom first. Then the little pieces of orange, pop them to the sides so that it looks like it goes right through, once you stick down your larger flowered piece on top. (this is to save papers 😊 )
Using a dark brown ink, stamp out your birds, two sizes of pine cones and in a lighter ink a tree branch. (on the white pieces provided) Fussy cut them out.
Stick down the quote onto the peach piece, using pop dots to pop that up at the bottom of the card.
Then stick the cut out pieces onto the rest of the card using pop dots and some flat to the card.
Pop the bling on at the end where ever you like.

Card five – Monochrome celebrate
Start by sticking down the stamped green strip to the side of the card. Then position the brown piece just over lapping, and then the thin stamped cream strip to one side of the brown.
Stick down the celebrate piece onto the green rectangle piece using pop dots to pop it up off the card. Positioned just over half way down.  Stick on the heart bling to this.
Cut out your butter fly, curling the wings to bring it out, and using a pop dot, pop up on your card, using my card as a guide.
Use your glitter pen to glitter up the butterflies for that pretty bling, and the rest of the bling at the end where ever you like.

Card six – With sympathy
Loving this vintage style card.
Start by inking around the edge of the stamped card using any brown you have. Really bring in the ink at the edges to complete that distressed/ old look.
Stick down this stamped card onto the card.
 Cut out the flowers and the bird. (if you need too) I only used pop dots for the flowers and stuck down the bird straight onto the card as it seemed too much around the word sympathy.
I also didn’t use bling as I feel like it didn’t need it, being the nature of the card.  Just simple and said all it needed too. But feel free to add some your own if you wanted.

Thanks for purchasing this week…. And helping out my little business… I really appreciate you all buying cards… keeping me sane and I hope its keeping you sane completing them..
Kay xo

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