Friday, May 22, 2020

6 Card Quarantine Kit - 22nd May 2020

Kay’s 6 card quarantine Kit

So it seems covid-19 restrictions are slowly coming down. Now we can have 5 people visit. So Card classes can resume. Those who are not local and have been getting card kits posted, I will be continuing to do this, as 6 card kits fortnightly. For the same price.  These will need to be pre ordered the two weeks in advance as they will be the card class kits I make up for the weekly kits.
Local ladies, who don’t usually come to my classes, this goes for you too, if you would like to continue with the 6 card kits, then it will be also fortnightly. Or we can arrange attendance my home classes.

Okay, here are the cards

Card One – Someone special butterfly
Who doesn’t love a sparkly card, this one certainly is that?  Start with taping down the two thin glitter strips, Leaving 3 inches from the edge in on both sides. On the white card stick down the pink spotty paper, sticking down the ribbon, letting it wrap around and stick on the back.  Pop tape on the back of the white card now that you have done that and stick it right between the two glitter strips. (there will be an overlap) stick the full butterfly onto your white space, and on your glitter butterfly put tape ONLY on the body of it. So that the wings can still be free to be rolled free) Stick your saying on your coloured mounted piece and then use pop dots to pop it up on the bottom of the card. Stick on the pearl bling.

Card two – Thanks a bunch
Using pencils, I coloured in the square-ish piece with the house. To assemble the card, stick down the Orange flowered piece, then stick on that the embossed white card.  Your piece should already have foam tape ready to peel.  Put tape directly on the back of the coloured piece and place in the same space hole in the white card.
use pop dots on the tag and place as per my example.  Then arrange your bling where you like.

Card Three – Thinking of you
This card isn’t to hard to assemble. Turn over the leafy strip and stick down the semi-circle strips on the edges so they stick out, then wrap the strong around and have it stick on the back, as per my example. Use more adhesive on the back and stick down in the middle of the card. Leaving the same amount of space at the top and bottom.
Stick down the greeting to the green card and pop dot it over the green string.  (there are two options of greetings to choose from) You can arrange the rest where ever you like, but I stuck directly down one bird just behind the greeting. The other is pop dotted on the other side. I did cut down the leaves and only used the top half shown.  I put my bling down the bottom.

Card four – Hello
This card is a side fold, there is a plain piece of white that needs to be stuck inside the card to be written on.
A lot of time went into this, how many butterflies to add, how many to pop up, what to fill the space with. You get blessed with the end product to replicate.  I hope you all love it as much as me. Its easy to assemble. I’ve done all the hard work. Start with sticking down the die cut HELLO. The butterflies have a half pop dot on their bodies. Using a pen slightly curl up the wings. Place them where you like, or as per my example.  Pop on your bling where you like.

Card five – Count your life by smiles (birthday)
Assemble this card from the bottom up. Start with the striped strip on the left side, stick down the square piece in a diamond shape in the middle. The brown strip will stick to the right of the card, overlapping the rest. The thin white inked strip will then be stuck down to break up the overlap. Stick down the greeting to the cream inked boarder piece, then use pop dots and place over the diamond piece leaving space for your flower.  Cut out your flower, I’ve sponge inked the middle, your free to leave it as it is or go over the lines with a co-ordinating colour.  I have pop dotted just the flower head but directly stuck down the flower stem. Place your bling where you like.

Card six – Friendship
A beautiful card to send to a friend far away.  Easy to assemble too.
Stick down the spotty embossed white card. Stick down the greeting to the purple square and then use your pop dots to stick it down to the card base.  (to achieve the look of the two tones on the flower I fully stamped the flower, stamped it off onto scrap paper, then reinked ONLY the flower bud. Stamping it down gave a two-tone look. I was able to then stamp the greeting over the top of the lighter inked stem) I have pre stuck your bow to your tassel, peel of the second backing and stick down where you like, as well as add your bling to the top.

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